Customer/Diag Questionnaires

Ashley Hawkins

I think the current way the information is accessed is less user friendly than it could be.

At the moment the technician has to open the job, select show attached, select related questionnaires, select the relevant questionnaire (although I doubt there will be more than one), select answer count and then open each answer that is longer than on average 5-6 words making it less user friendly and a little long winded to get the answers.

Ideally if possible it would be good if the technician could view this in a un-editable version of the same format the customer receives. Even better if this could be done from the same place as checklists to avoid having somewhere else to look.

Alternatively if this is not possible is the questionnaire able to be put into a format that can easily be copied from the survey into a comment box by the service advisor. (Excel is usable but needs a little tidying up).

Happy to go into more detail if this does not make sense.


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Dawn Metcalfe

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